We boosted the reporting capabilities of a TMC within weeks to provide all levels of their business with advanced analytics to triple productivity.
The Problem:
John the CFO of a TMC based in Asia was frustrated at the lack in speed and depth of reporting within their business. He had an excellent analyst and BI (Business Intelligence) team but they had so much work to do with so many demands for reports from not just the top management but also from all areas of the business that they just could not cope and do it all. There was a lot of data collation and report, graph and dashboard creation that involved several data sources and steps that sending out monthly management reports on top of sales team reports and adhoc requirements meant they were always behind.
The Solution:
That’s when John decided to introduce Airline Metrics to the business. Not only were they able to access historic data going back two years but the cloud based app meant that everyone from the CEO level down to an account manager were able to access ready made dashboards, reports and graphs. Various modules like Revenue Metrics for sales and forward flown revenue, destination and sector based reports as well as advanced RBD and flight sector reports were all available with just one or two clicks 24X7 to the team. They were able to also manage and proactively monitor and audit airline incentive contracts which made their Airline Contract Manager very excited to hold the advantage over carriers during contract negotiations. Since 80% or more of the airline reporting requirements could be accessed by the end users directly the analyst team only had to focus on more complex reporting which they could generate using advanced reporting capabilities within the Airline Metrics system.

The Result:
John noticed a huge uptick in productivity of the team as they did not need to build any reports for the air business unless there were some advanced and complex requirements. These they could easily cater for using various modules in Airline Metrics and turn themselves into advisors within the business rather than just data processors. It also freed them to focus on the non-air reporting components and other critical business projects which was very much appreciated by their colleagues and the business owners. All it took was six weeks from signing of the contract to go live and it being a subscription-based model meant there was no capital investment required to get the project going.