Rolling out Airline Metrics reduced huge reporting and system complexity for one of our global tour operators and created a single source of truth solution.
The Problem:
Hans was the Head of IT and Business Intelligence for a large global tour operator. They had offices in five continents and over the years had grown the business by ongoing acquisition of multiple brands in various countries. These businesses while being run independently had also morphed to having their own IT systems and multiple solutions which made ongoing management of all such systems a real challenge. Hans was therefore in the middle of rolling out a multi-year transformational project to streamline and consolidate all systems so they could be managed better.
The Solution:
Hans was referred to Airline Metrics from one of his acquaintances in the travel industry. When he explored the solution, he found that it was exactly what was required to reduce the complexity of managing their airline reporting and target management. Hans brought in the management team to for a presentation of the solution that showed they could reduce their IT and support costs for the airline division by more than 35% by cutting out a lot of manual reporting process and also boost their overall margins between three to five percent. That meant the project ROI would break even within the first few months of the rollout. Best of all he did not need any of his IT resources to be dedicated for this project as Airline Metrics used existing data files generated as industry standards which meant the rollout was complete within four weeks of signing the contract.

The Result:
Hans’ rolling out of Airline Metrics reduced the need to use the six different analytics systems that were creating a lot of manual work load for monthly and adhoc reports. In addition, they were able to empower front line divisional heads with access to their air sales and preformance without the need for them to burden their reporting team. It also resulted in the airline supplier management division leveraging this information and starting to negotiate regional and global airline deals which were much more lucrative than just the local deals they had in place. The hassle free roll out of Airline Metrics was a resounding success for Hans which was acknowledged by the entire management team.